Role of Media in Cleanness of Indore


Indore is a commercial capital with its own historic values, situated in center of central India. As per need of society, Municipal Corporation runs campaigns for cleanliness and support hygiene among citizens of Indore city. For this purpose they initiated with communication tools which work to the change the society. It works like cultivation theory. Cultivation theory composed originally by G. Gerbner. The theory suggests that this cultivation of attitudes is based on attitudes already present in our society and that the media take those attitudes. Just like this theory Indore city is going through with such campaign which carries so many factors inherent with itself. In this campaign they use variety of mediums and tools of communication. Indore Municipal Corporation started moving van which collects garbage from all houses like other countries. They have various posters in the city, which carry the messages of cleanliness (swachata). They also hire two persons for each van to convey information verbally to everybody. This van has a song halla ho halla., swachata adat main, swachata abhiman sung by popular singer shan. This attracts people about the things going around in the city. Every year there is survey about cleanliness and Indore got first number in India. This credit goes to Indore Municipal Corporation but the real story is the importance of communication tools and music which is like surround sound of the entire city. In this research we discuss the role of mass media in cleanness of a city.


Sonalee Nargunde


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Halla Song Abhiman adat main Swachata servey