Marketing Social Change: Best Practices for Nonprofit Website Strategy


While websites are often considered to be information repositories, they are instead primary storytelling outlets that serve as a hub for many other communication tactics. Moreover, despite the fact that website quality in its various forms can establish trust, interest, empathy, and engagement for a variety of stakeholders, many nonprofits do not know how to distinguish between a “good” and a “bad” website, often relying on external firms or amateur producers rather than treating the channel as a strategic outlet. This paper establishes and discusses best practices for nonprofit communication through websites, drawing from a qualitative content analysis of twenty-nine nonprofit organizations that focus on the fight against hunger. We suggest specific and actionable practices for nonprofits to analyze their existing website and create a strong web presence, drawing from examples in the field.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Business


Nonprofit, Website, Marketing, Public, Relations, Hunger, Social, Change