Studying Multimedia Journalism Capabilities in Promoting and Publicizing Science in Society


One of the most important factors in the development of countries and the establishment of more democracy in the social sphere is the dissemination of scientific content in an appropriate and comprehensible language by the media, which provides the basis for public awareness of scientific subjects in society. Scientific topics that affect the different sections of the people’s lives, including health, education, lifestyle, etc. Due to the specific characteristics of the scientific content in terms of the complexity of the subject and its novelty, it may not be easy to understand the contents of the public. The use of science journalism by multimedia facilities can help to better understand and publicize science in the community. The main question of this qualitative research is which of the multimedia features, and the combination and structure of these features in science journalism, can create a greater and better understanding of the audience about the scientific content published in the media. The Statistical Society of the study is people aged 14-44 years in Tehran who are selected by targeted sampling method according to gender, education, and social base of sample members. Sixty people are selected through a focused interview and asked about how to use various multimedia features and effects of how to present and combine these multimedia features in news sites and cyberspace, which leads to understanding the audience’s views on news and scientific literature published in the media.


Morteza Shams


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Science Journalism, Multimedia, Publicizing Science