The Kashmir Dispute as a Test Case for International Media: Understanding the Politics and Construction of Conflict Coverage


This paper examines the international coverage of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India. The study proceeds with a theoretical background to explore the political ramifications and foreign policy dynamics surrounding the Kashmir issue since the beginning. Then, the research relies upon discourse analysis as the key methodological tool to analyse four English language websites from American, Turkish, Pakistani, and Indian news outlets in relation to this conflict in 2018. These news media outlets are CNN, TRT World, GEO News, and NDTV, respectively. The findings uncover the role of digital media in positioning and packaging the Kashmir dispute and aid in understanding the politics and construction of conflict coverage in this particular case. Ultimately, the paper aspires to offer a methodological rationalization of the framing approach adopted by the four outlets under study.


Ravale Mohydin


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk


Media Cultures


Kashmir Dispute, CNN, NDTV, TRTWorld, GeoNews, Digital, Politics, Alliances, Diplomacy