The Migrant Image in Media Discourse : Polish Media and the Problem of Exile


The flow of refugees from Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa to the Old Continent revealed at least three crises in Polish media and politics. Ideological war between the supporters and the opponents of accepting refugees manifests itself not only in words but also in images. Informing has been exchanged for infotainment carried out in accordance with political views. From covers to articles and illustrations, the image of refugees in Polish media, both traditional and social, is primitive, lacks information, and endorse stereotypes. In media coverages polyphony trumps information, intercultural communication, and dialog. Emphasising importance of the language used when talking and writing about refugees and immigrants is crucial for avoiding narration bias. When journalists utilise insensitive language to describe human beings, they help create an environment where hate speech can creep into our public discourse and where “thinly veiled racism can fester”.


Patrycja Rozbicka


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Media, Refugees, Image, Discourse, Poland, Newspapers, Journalism