Citizen Journalism Activities in the Net Generation Era : Case Study on Netizen Radar Bogor


This research wants to give an idea about the application of citizen journalism on net generation or Z generation in ZETIZEN Radar Bogor platform. The platform is presented as an effort to meet the needs of current conditions that illustrate the rapid delivery of information dissemination or dissemination of hoax, defamation, reciprocity of each other is counterproductive in the hope of a better change for future generations. Unlike the baby boom generation that was born and big in the dominance of television shows, zetizen is a generation that grew up in the context of the acceleration of the development of information technology is incredibly fast. Having a highly technological infrastructure and tools that support curiosity and creativity, the opportunity for zetizen groups to develop their own potential is enormous. To ensure that zetizens are not caught in the negative effects of the Internet, what is needed is inevitably the support of media literacy that can be used. Researchers found that citizen journalism practices in ZETIZEN Radar Bogor are classified as hybrids, a professional media organization (mainstream) that combines the work of professional journalists with citizen journalists. The challenge for the practice of citizen journalism in ZETIZEN this researcher conclude into two outlines, namely the problem of accuracy and sort out which information is useful and which are not useful. The results also provide an idea that the presence of this ZETIZEN platform provides color and support for the development of net generation in a better direction.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies