The Role of the Egyptian Radio Programs in Presenting Cultural Discrimination Issues Against Women: Analytical Research on Egyptian Radio Programs


Radio is an accessible and effective way for people to learn about development and to raise the awareness of individual issues. The mass media in general, and radio in particular, may be especially important in presenting women’s marginalized issues such as cultural discrimination. The cultural construction of gender in Egypt makes women subject to gender-based violence, as many women and girls’ human potential is restricted in families according to it. The cultural discrimination against women in Egypt could come in different examples such as early marriages for girls, favoring children according to gender, and relating dignity and chastity always to girl’s actions. This research is an attempt to monitor the interest of radio programs directed to women in national Egyptian radio stations especially in terms of cultural discrimination. It analyzes them compared to the reality of Egyptian women’s issues. The research paper depends on the social responsibility theory as a theoretical framework. This research is quantitative and uses content analysis for programs directed to women in some of the Egyptian national radio stations which are: (Al-bernameg Al-aam) and (Al-shark Al-awsat).


Donia Tarek


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures