Bring Back Our Girls: Narrative Storytelling as a Strategy for Readership Resonance


In April 2014, news reports about nearly 300 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls spread globally. Ongoing updates on the tragic incident permeated social media through digital advocacy efforts. Though research on U.S. news coverage generally indicates underreporting regarding missing women of color and negative reporting on African current events, news of Nigeria’s missing schoolgirls still managed to make waves in U.S. media. This study explores the use of narrative storytelling by U.S. news outlets as a way to create commonality, extend the life cycle of the story in news media and encourage the story’s resonance among U.S. readerships.


Yewande Addie


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Power, Mass Media, Representation, Narrative, Nigeria, Schoolgirls, Multicultural Media