Unlocking Digital Divide: Evaluating Rural-Urban Communities' Internet Access and Digital Literacy


In the world today, it becomes almost beyond possibility to think of equality when it comes to various kinds of technology. Moreover, it is proven that there are a huge number of people in this world who still have no privilege in using Internet, telephone, mobile phone, etc. People’s lack of access to different ICTs keep them from obtaining life advantages. With this, people are aware that digital divide is worsening. With the previous studies in digital divide, the term has to do with access to information and technological resources through the use of the Internet. With many information demands, lack of the latter introduced large challenges. Cybernetics Theory serves as the pillar of the study, focusing on the concept that cybernetics holds a major potential in the development and advancement of technology. Furthermore, the researchers consider issues between rural and urban digital divide.The findings reveal that there is a significant connection of the frequency of use of the participants with their specific locations, household incomes, and education. Findings also reveal that there is still a high level of breadth in the comparison between rural and urban communities in terms of digital age.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Digital Divide, Literacy