Digital Divide and Dalits : The Role of New Media in Delhi


Dalits in India are the one of the most oppressed communities in the world. Their experiences with media reflects global experiences of the other oppressed communities. Media recognised as the fourth pillar of democracy, oppressed communities across the world by knowing its significance in their liberation struggle are making their efforts to make their presence felt in the media, their efforts were constantly being failed to successes. New media has come as a new found platform for them to express their pain in the world and also for developing their own perspectives on important issues. It was in the 1970s that new media emerged, mainly fuelled by the growth in the internet, posing a challenge to existing newspapers, magazines, and television. In the second wave and with globalization, new media digitization and convergence of media changed the scenario. User generated content, interactivity; audience participation and flexibility are the major features of the internet and new media today. Many believe today that the new media is liberating, democratizing, and empowering citizens, promoting egalitarianism and tolerance. Dalits write blogs and create websites and express their views and thoughts to the public. Most of their writing in these web sites comes from their individual experiences and therefore it carries collective experience. Among the various subjects, caste and gender oppression are the main areas of my research focus.