A New Frontier: Taking Students from a Personal Online Atmosphere to a Multimedia Classroom


How do we bridge the gap between students who engage in media in their personal lives (twitter, facebook, blogs, etc.), and using these same media in the classroom? Students show they are hesitant, and sometimes even unwilling, to take a familiar platform outside of their comfort zone. Students may not see the connection between the strategies they use to communicate in their private online personas, and strategies they could use in their more academic communications. Their comfort in media use varies depending on the audience they’re communicating with. This presentation seeks to explore ways to bridge this gap through taking students out of their technological comfort zone. We plan to take the knowledge students have, and transfer it to their academic or professional setting. We can train educators, and show them how to explore new technological adaptations for conversational settings and give students the skills needed to apply those new strategies to a variety of situations. Additionally, the presenters examine why this gap exists and explore the intersection between social media and conversation in the classroom. Incorporating meaningful use of media allows instructors to provide clear examples of how it is used for academic pursuits. These hybrid conversations continue after classes conclude. The goal moving forward is to provide a multimedia classroom which allows students to use their organic styles of communications to contribute to larger conversations that exist outside of our physical and online educational spaces (e.g. Blackboard and Google Classroom).


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Cultures


Media Mass Media