Technographic Profiles and Online Self-Presentation Among Young Adult Filipinos in Mobile Dating Apps


Available technologies, such as mobile phone dating applications, serve to enrich dating experiences. In the Philippines, particularly in Metro Manila, mobile dating app use has become pervasive, familiar, and even habitual among the youth. The trend to use such dating applications has paved the way for the discussions of the ever-evolving notion of presented self in online platforms. On one hand, a technographic profile pertains to how mobile dating apps access, use, and own technology (Forest, 1985). It also covers their attitude and values towards technology. On the other hand, self-presentation is the process of highlighting what is perceived as one’s sense of appropriateness in a communicative encounter (Goffman, 1956; Walther, 1996). The researcher employed a qualitative communication research design. As an inductive approach, the study used focus interviews. The study looked into the experiences of 40 Tinder users in the National Capital Region of the Philippines. Technographic profiles revealed that Tinder users are content authors, content managers, spectators and lurkers, collectors of potential matches, and critics. In terms of self-presentation, the researcher found out that that the performance of the self is constructed truthfully and ideally by showing sincerity to the performed role, using a personal front, dramatically executing the role, idealizing the online face, maintaining control of the shared information, misrepresenting the selves, and mystifying the presentation. The study concludes that the informants have already appropriated the use of the app because of the extensive use of Tinder and their capacity to pay access to the app.


Christian Jaycee Samonte

Jonalou Labor
Associate Professor, Department of Communication Research, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Self-presentation, Mobile Technology