Digital Humanities in the Military Domain: Thick Data Approach to Military Facebook Fan Pages


A total of 6,695 posts on the fan pages of six military units under the Ministry of National Defense (MND) in 2017 were considered the “digital field” in this study. Mixed research methods were conducted to cultivate this digital field. CORPRO, a corpus of Chinese text, developed by National Taiwan University was used as a data analyzing tool that was integrated into thick description of anthropological method. In addition, grounded theory method was also employed to deepen data description; in-depth interviews were conducted with six administrators of the fan pages and one military general who was responsible for public affairs policy. The four theoretical perspectives of public relations, crisis communication, gatekeepers, and agenda-setting were verified in this research. The corpus analysis results derived from using CORPRO show that ROC Armed Forces, established the ideology of qin xun jing lian (diligent drill and robust training) through Facebook. Besides, analysis of the phrase guan bing (military personnel) indicated that the cognition of qin xun jing lian exhibited personnel-oriented and strength-demonstration-oriented transitions. Furthermore, the frequent use of “today” and “earlier” does not merely show temporal differences. When examined under social contexts, the phrases contain connotations of differences in organizational management capacities. Through open, axial, and selective coding in grounded theory, the interview data were analyzed to discern four contexts in ROC Armed Forces digital humanities, verifying the digital footprints of ROC Armed Forces. The results were subsequently named as “The Model of Facebook Fan Page Constructed for Armed Forces of ROC.”


Tsung-Lin Lu


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Social Media, Thick