A Saviour Among Us: The Spectacularization of Emma Gonzalez


Postfeminist notions of idealized girlhood have found their way into activist culture, where discourses have constructed an image of girl activist who is assertive, dynamic and self-determining. These girls are celebrated by the media, as long as they conform to idealized notions of girlhood. What, then, can explain the media fascination with gun control advocate, Emma Gonzalez, whose alternative identities are far from such notions? Through a textual discourse analysis of news coverage of Gonzalez, this article explores the media framing of this young activist, arguing that it is a discursive strategy used to support society in coming to terms with a contentious social issue. And while this media coverage makes an alternative version of girl activist visible, the discourse also brings attention to who counts in youth activist culture.


Monica Pauls


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Media, Representation, Politics