LGBTQ Online Movements: A Case Study of New Zealand


This paper explores the shifting dynamics of what constitutes a contemporary social movement and the pros and cons that have emerged after movements have gone online. The paper attempts to bridge past research on online movements and the study of the contemporary lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement in New Zealand. This paper is premised on in-depth interviews with twenty-nine interviewees regarding how social media has brought a change to the contemporary LGBT movement in New Zealand. This research tries to draw a correlation with past researchers and interviewee responses. The interviewees testified to shifting nature of the contemporary LGBT movement after the emergence and inclusion of the Internet and social media platforms. Social networking sites have led to greater awareness and better coordination among movement actors to organise LGBT movements in New Zealand. Social media has also been a great organizational tool for the LGBT community today. The paper concludes that the Internet and social media have led to more visibility and accessibility of information with contemporary movements. The Internet has been a facilitator even before the emergence of social media platforms, however, online activism has amplified and has taken a new meaning with several social media platforms at our disposal today and social media activists are exploiting different platforms to organize and mobilize supporters.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Social media, Internet