The Educational Value of Internet Communication Space frpm the Perspective of Its Users


This study shows the positive and negative aspects of education in Internet communication spaces as perceived by users. The research question what educational values do respondents see in Internet communication spaces and what meanings do they ascribed to it. Particularly important is what and how users learn about themselves, other people, and the surrounding world. The main attention is directed to the specificity of the space in question which, as it turns out, is not one-dimensional, unambiguous, and neutral, but is rooted in the culture of immediacy, interactivity, and anonymity (which naturally entails certain consequences). It is not surprising, therefore, that thanks to it we observe significant changes in the social world regarding communication relations, people’s attitude to knowledge and education (for they not only acquire and exchange knowledge, but also create it). Such a phenomenon results, inter alia, from the reverse, two-way and interactive nature of Internet communication spaces, which at the same time allows actors on the cyber-communication stage to play creative roles online, as well as offline. Thanks to that, they can become a kind of “spiritus movens” (inspirers, originators, creators of this space). Its representative example is the communication activity of respondents on Internet forums, social networking websites, and blogs, resulting not only in the usual exchange of information, views, discussions and comments, but very often going beyond the conventional communication and education practices.


Presentation Type

Virtual Poster


Media Technologies


Communication Spaces, Internet