Implementing a University Center for Innovation in Technology and Digital Media: Strategies to Consider, Pitfalls to Avoid


This qualitative case study explores strategies for implementing a technology and digital media center on a traditional Midwestern university campus. The researcher was part of a team that attempted to create a permanent collaboration between colleges of arts and sciences and technology. The collaboration effort was designed to unite digital-based extracurricular opportunities and classroom learning in order to enhance the reputation of the university by adding to the institution mandate to educate through hands-on experiences. Addressing the issue that there was no link between digital media and communication curriculum and various technology groups on campus, the creators of the center desired to make technology-focused students better professional communicators and to make communication-focused students more adept at using digital technology. As a digital literacy effort the center focused on media technology use via the development of digital media and technology policy which would provide campus-wide guidelines for the use of digital media as well as the creation of digital media products. These products and policies were envisioned to be jointly created by faculty and staff, students, and citizens from the community. The center plan called for phased implementation commencing with the development of a digital workplace styled after makerspaces and moving next to the development of curriculum to support students who did not fall into traditional majors. Finally the center was to have affiliated faculty to ensure longevity. Via case study the researcher outlines the implementation process whereby the center was supported on almost every level yet remains unratified.


Chad Clark


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Business


Media Education/Business