Public Diplomacy through Social Media: Analysis of Facebook Pages of Internet Users in Pakistan and America


This study analyzes Facebook pages of Internet users in Pakistan and America and their role in decreasing tensions between countries. Content analysis and in-depth interview techniques have been used simultaneously. Two Facebook pages related to Pak-America relations within the time frame of 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2011 were chosen for the study. These pages were operated by Internet users of both countries. The categories were analysed included terrorism, culture, education, and women’s rights. Those categories were extensively defined and these guidelines were strictly adhered to while conducting the analysis. Each item on the page including picture, walls, shares, and posts were examined for the study. Besides content analysis, the researcher had in-depth interviews with twenty experts of international relations, media, women’s rights, and teachers of mass communication.


Amna Waheeda


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Facebook, Pakistan, America