Empowering Consumers: How Mobile Is Driving Transformation in Africa


Technology may be ubiquitous in the connected “first world” but how do marketers reach out to a largely untapped “third world,” on the brink of transformation, with a desire to connect? While the Internet laid the foundation for the future, it is the mobile phone that is redefining how brands and consumers alike communicate or connect. In acknowledging that “connectiveness” drives learning and essentially transformation, mobile phones in Africa have the potential to provide consumers with personal connections. It also allows for informed decision-making and the potential to open up a new world. Despite high data costs and the restrictive access to technology, mobile technology is growing rapidly. Practice-based research, employing analytics, has allowed an opportunity for a brand to tell a story with which consumers can connect. Focusing on emotive, personal, and authentic content, prompts belief in the value of connecting and engaging. This innovation showcase is a means to showcase technology as a conduit to drive change.


Carla Worth


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Media Technologies


"Technology", " Mobile", " Marketing"