Belizean Cuisine: Authenticity within an Invisible Cuisine


“How is the cultural progression of Placencia Belize affected by its “Invisible Cuisine” and in what ways does this tie to tourism and Belize’s transition from colonialism?” This research question is intended to dive into the cultural suppression of a “true” cuisine and ultimately develop claims on how to increase not just cuisine marketability but also cultural confidence in countries like Belize. During this investigation, I am simultaneously asking the question of how colonialism and tourism as “colonialism” play a role in creating “invisible cuisines” within once colonized countries. The goal is then divided into two segments from this point, one is to create an exposure and analysis of “Invisible” Belizean Cuisine itself by honing into one specific area (Placencia) for better detail and focus. The other goal is to analyze cultural confidence and progression as a whole to come up with some sort of model to increase confidence specifically in the world of cuisine for countries that lack a voice and the ability to really put themselves out there.


Ryan Tao
Student, MA, New York University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2024 Special Focus—Place Matters: The Valorization of Cultural, Gastronomic, and Territorial Heritage


Belize, Cuisine, Cultural Confidence, Tourism, Colonialism, Invisible Cuisine, Tradition, Resorts