Navigating the Intersection of Tradition and Technology: Exploring Human-Food Interaction in Contemporary Culinary Culture


This study explores the intersection between traditional domestic cooking practices and Human-Food Interaction (HFI) research, focusing on the emotional and cultural dimensions associated with cooking. Utilizing a structured literature review across the ACM Digital Library and Bloomsbury Food Library, we identified key themes and insights. While AI in HFI raises concerns about the balance between human agency and technological control, digital platforms often overshadow the sensory aspects of food experiences. On the brighter side, “celebratory technologies” offer opportunities to integrate positive food attributes into digital services, emphasizing creativity, pleasure, and sustainability. This study underscores the importance of balancing technological advancements with traditional culinary practices, highlighting the potential for enriching HFI through a deeper understanding of cooking’s artisanal aspects.


Melike Balkaya
Master's Student, Design Technology and Society, Özyeğin University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Place Matters: The Valorization of Cultural, Gastronomic, and Territorial Heritage


Human-Food Interaction, Traditional Cooking Practices, Digital Gastronomy, Culinary Heritage