A Comparative Analysis of the Contribution of Home Gardens to Household Food Security in the Limpopo Province, South Africa


South Africa, while nationally food secure, faces household food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly acute in rural areas. This study investigates the role of home gardening in enhancing food security in South Africa’s Limpopo province. Using a quantitative approach, 2043 rural households were surveyed via multistage stratified random sampling. The Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) assessed food insecurity levels among home garden participants. Results indicated 46% food security, with 24%, 17%, and 13% severely, moderately, and mildly food insecure, respectively. Endogenous Switching Poisson Regression revealed factors positively impacting food security included gender, household size, wage/salary, land access, agricultural assistance, and market proximity, while employment status and social relief receipt had negative associations. Employment status positively influenced food security for non-participants. Average Treatment Effects (ATE) demonstrated participating households experienced significantly reduced food insecurity. Promoting home gardening through agricultural training can bolster household food security in rural areas, addressing income and food security challenges. Introducing agricultural education at schools can foster understanding of food systems, nutrition, and food security from a young age. This study underscores the potential of home gardening as a means to alleviate food insecurity, advocating for targeted interventions to empower rural communities and ensure sustainable food access and nutrition.


Mbalenhle Gwacela
Student, Masters, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Malnutrition,HomeGardening,SustainableFoodAccess,Food Security,Agricultural EducationPolicy