Socio-environmental Crisis as an Accelerator of Change: Sustainability Concerns among Wine Producers in Baja California


Socio-environmental changes and sustainable transition challenge the future, value, and logic of production and consumption in the agri-food and wine sector. In this scenario, the analysis proposed is based on three central ideas: the first maintains that the climate crisis is accelerating the processes of change and innovation; The second emphasizes that environmental and social changes are intertwined and, therefore, must be analyzed in parallel; and, the third, warns that these global changes trigger specific perceptions and responses for each particular context. These arguments are supported by the anthropology of sustainability theory and the experiences of wine producers in Baja California (Mexico). From this approach, this work explores current changes in the wine sector and its relationship with the sustainable transition. The preliminary results show (1) the relevance of the socio-anthropological approach to sustainability, which proposes to focus on understanding changes in the present rather than predicting the future, given its unpredictability; (2) the specific concerns, limits, and challenges faced by context studied; and (3) the need to analyze the processes of transparency and diversification in greater depth as critical aspects for the sustainable transition in the food and wine agribusiness in future research.


Maria Del Carmen Salas Quesada
Postdoctoral Researcher, Interdisciplinary Food Studies, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH-UNAM), Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Viticulture, Sustainability, Value, Quality, Socio-environmental change