SeedBroadcasting: Seed Stories


SeedBroadcast ( holds the belief that it is a human right to save seeds and share their gifts, to grow food and share its abundance, and to cultivate grassroots wisdom and share its creativity. As an artist collective, our mission is to uplift the Culture in agri-Culture through broadcasting Seed Stories and pollinating resource networks to cultivate bioregional food and seed resilience. Since 2011, SeedBroadcast has fused art, farming, gardening, education, seed saving, and seed sharing with open-source creative knowledge building, while advocating for grassroots agri-Cultural networks. Our work includes community-based projects, installations, dialogues, and creative actions. Interdisciplinary collaboration is a founding principal of all SeedBroadcast activities where cohorts from diverse backgrounds work together as critical partners of inquiry and creative production. We encourage communities to keep agri-Culture alive and vibrant through creative participatory practices and Seed Stories. Spending time with people on their farms and in their gardens, at seed exchanges and community gatherings, SeedBroadcast digs into the oft-unheard stories of local food sovereignty. Just as seeds share their generosity with us through thousands of years of resiliency, farming, food, and a deep ecology of relations, we can share this back by giving voice to the seeds, gardens, plants, soils, and food in our lives. This is the intent behind Seed Stories, to honor seeds and the people who grow and care for them. SeedBroadcast was initiated by Jeanette Hart-Mann and Chrissie Orr at the 2011 Compartiendo Semillas, Sembrando el Futuro, Seed Exchange, in Las Vegas, New Mexico.


Chrissie Orr
Co-founder, Animator, SeedBroadcast, New Mexico, United States

Jeanette Hart Mann
Associate Professor of Art and Ecology, Department of Art, University of New Mexico, New Mexico, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Sovereignty, Deep Ecology of Relations, Seed Stories, Grassroots Wisdom, Seeds