Pulutan sa Harapan: Evolution of a Socio-cultural Tradition


“Pulutan sa harapan” is a socio-cultural tradition among Bulakenyo concerning “home-made dishes” (pulutan) that folk drinkers of wine and spirits eat during “drinking session” (harapan). The study shares the lived experiences of Bulakenyo’s cultural traditions when the riverbanks and coastal communities in Bulacan orchestrate celebration every time they wish. A kind of merry-making that amalgamates pagan-Christian faith of thanksgiving that has been inherited from their ancestors. Mixed method research, ethnographic study and ground theory are applied to obtain the holistic output of the study. Results show that the “pulutan sa harapan” evolved when the young generation became the protagonist of the celebration. Such an evolution impacts the socio-cultural tradition of the Bulakenyo.


Marilyn De Leon
Faculty Member, College of Education, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Place Matters: The Valorization of Cultural, Gastronomic, and Territorial Heritage


Pulutan, Harapan, Socio-cultural, Bulakenyo, Tradition