Beyond Authenticity: Expressions of Identity in the Unified Experience of Fado and Portuguese Cuisine


Food and music are often seen as two of the most distinctive forms of cultural expression. While often thought of as separate experiences, many visitors to Lisbon encounter both intertwined in a single event in which Portuguese food and fado music coexist in the same space. This paper argues that for both practitioners and patrons, fado and food are not merely distinct art forms, but rather coalesce into a singular, potent expression of Portuguese identity, shaping both external presentations of culture and internal understandings of selfhood. Notably, both fado and Portuguese cuisine have been recognised by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage, highlighting their significance as cultural expressions. Drawing on the fields of ethnomusicology and food studies, questions of presentation and representation are explored, examining how fado and food are navigated by those deeply immersed in the culture and those encountering it for the first time. By interrogating the shared historical and socio-cultural underpinnings of both, the paper interrogates the concept of authenticity in this context. This gastromusicological study illuminates the intricate interplay between music and food in the formation of cultural heritage and identity. It challenges the traditional view of these elements as separate entities, offering a nuanced understanding of their synergistic role in shaping cultural meaning. Moreover, it engages critically with the notion of authenticity, examining its nature and questioning the perceived value of the “authentic experience.”


James Félix
Lecturer, School of Contemporary Music, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Place Matters: The Valorization of Cultural, Gastronomic, and Territorial Heritage


Authenticity, Tourism, Identity, Culture, Portugal, Fado, Music, Gastromusicology