A Comprehensive Survey on Digitization in Restaurant Sector


In recent times, technology has unleashed a transformative wave, bringing about significant benefits across various sectors. This paper delves into how the restaurant industry has harnessed digitization to elevate its operational efficiency. One notable advancement is the adoption of digital menus, a solution that addresses several issues associated with traditional menu cards, such as their rigidity, lackluster presentation, limited information, and incapacity to assist customers in making decisions. The implementation of digital menus offers restaurants enhanced flexibility while reducing operational costs. Furthermore, it streamlines the food ordering process and minimizes the necessity for additional staff. By analyzing the data collected through digital menus, valuable insights can be gleaned, including peak sales times and other relevant trends. This survey primarily focuses on the effects of digitization and digital menus, the current challenges that need to be addressed, and the potential for further improvements.


Sumit Karanjkar
Student, Computer Science, JSPMS RAJARSHI SHAHU College of Engineering, Pune, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Technology, Restaurant industry, Digitization, Digital menus, Operational efficiency, Cost reduction