Humor in the Face of Adversity: Cuban Choteo in Contemporary Audiovisual Media on Food Scarcity


Cuba is no stranger to food shortages, and Cuban culture has contested food scarcity in a myriad of ways. In this paper, I trace the particular form of Cuban humor known as choteo in contemporary state-run television and independent digital media. I give a brief history of the concept of choteo as described by Cuban philosopher Jorge Mañach and describe its contours in what I see as a literary precursor to current humoristic discourses on food in the short stories of Virgilio Piñera that hinge on the tension between laughter and hunger. I elaborate the meaning of the hashtag “reir por on llorar” (“laugh so as not to cry”) as a strategy for confronting the difficulty of putting together what anthropologist Hanna Garth has called “a decent meal.” I trace this discursive strategy and its political implications in the Cubavision television program “Vivir del cuento” as well as in contemporary social media content made by citizens on the island. I argue that choteo is employed as a means of contesting authority and registering discontent, while at the same time it reinforces the dignity and resilience contained in the capacity to laugh in the face of adversity.


Tara Phillips
Student, PhD Candidate, University of California Berkeley, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures