Myra Waldo Schwartz: Important Cookbook Author and Food Journalist Who Wrote About Global Food


Myra Waldo Schwartz was a prolific cookbook author and newspaper food editor who was important in her lifetime but has largely been forgotten by food and journalism historians. Among her many cookbooks she wrote were The Complete Round-the-World Cookbook (1954), The Art of South American Cookery (1961) and Classic Cuisines (1984). Further, her travel books, which were published from 1960 to 1981, addressed cuisine in Europe, South America, the South Pacific and Japan. She was a significant food and travel journalist. Schwartz wrote a column for the Los Angeles Times travel section during the early 1980s and also had a radio show on food on a New York station and worked as a food editor of the syndicated This Week magazine which ran in many newspapers. This is a summary and analysis of her work.


Kimberly Voss
Professor, Journalism, University of Central Florida, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Food Journalism, Food History, World Food