Navigating Adequacy in Food Access: Insights from Cuban Communities


This paper delves into the nuanced dimensions of food access within Cuban communities, examining the concept of adequacy in the context of food supply, variety, and personal choice. Drawing from interviews conducted in Cuba, I explore the significance of snacks, sweets, and healthy food as integral components of food security. These aspects of adequacy go beyond mere sustenance, encompassing the desire for autonomy, cultural fulfillment, and holistic well-being. By analyzing participants’ narratives, I illuminate the complexities surrounding food availability, access, and transformation in a socio-political context. My findings underscore the need to broaden discussions of food security to encompass not only caloric intake but also the social, cultural, and personal dimensions of a fulfilling life.


Mallory Cerkleski
Student, Ph.D., Pisa Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Food access, Adequacy, Food Sovereignty, Cuba