The Taste of Waves: Reflections of Port Construction on the Diet of a Fishing Village


In the article “The Culinary Triangle”, Lévi-Strauss observes that “the kitchen of a society is a language in which it unconsciously translates its structure”. Strauss states that, just as there is no society without language, there is no society that does not cook food (Lévi-Strauss, 1968). Hence, the author proposes a triangular scheme, analogous to the phonetic schemes, which links the categories of raw, cooked, roasted, boiled and rotten, whose classification is also related to the use of water or utensils and, ultimately, to states of nature and culture. Therefore, the present work seeks to understand the forms of food adequacy of the community of Ilha de Superagui in view of the construction and expansion of the Port of Paranaguá, understanding its food in a dynamic and adaptive way. After all, if cuisine is a language in which society translates its structure, how is a change in structure reflected in your food?


Bruna Blaskievicz
Student, Masters, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Port, Caicaras, Food