A Crisis of Humanity: WWI and its Impact on "Community," The Soldiers and Their Relationship with Nourishment and Home


This paper is concerned with the study and understanding of food as it was experienced during the First World War. It includes a soldier’s interaction with food during the war was a formative part of the war experience, as food established relationships between the soldier and his comrades, his family on the home front, and in rare cases, his enemy. These varied relationships illustrate the connections that the war held between “community” and “humanity.” This study draws anthropological conclusions surrounding the meaning of food as it goes beyond human nutrients, and established a deep, resonating emotional meaning to the soldier. A culmination of a year-long research course, this paper offers a rare look into food and its emotional impact.


Isabelle Houseman
Student, Masters Degree in Public History , American University, District of Columbia, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


War, Food in times of War, Emotional, Nutrients, Community, Humanity