Food Distribution Networks, Fortified Wheat Flour, Quality Assurance/Quality Control, and Vulnerable Segments


Food and Nutrition Security is heavily threatened by the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, and Pakistan is no more exception. The most vulnerable segments are mainly relying on free or subsidized meals served by food distribution networks (FDNs). This project was planned to ensure that wheat flour, procured by selected FDNs, was replaced with high quality fortified wheat flour. After selection and agreement with flour mills and FDNs, their employees was capacitated to produce and serve quality fortified flour. The agreements were signed with 11 flour mills, 11 FDNs, 6 RDNs, and 6 IDNs in 4 cities of Punjab i.e. Faisalabad, Lahore, Multan and Gujranwala; and 1 city of Sindh i.e. Karachi. Likewise, total 858 people from these flour mills, FDNs and provincial regulatory authorities were capacitated to provide quality fortified flour. During the project period June to December, 2021i.e. around 1,722 tons of quality fortified flour was produced by selected flour mills and 8.6 million fortified meals were served to the vulnerable consumers, including 61.50% male and 38.50% female population. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the average content of added iron in case of all flour mills comply with the recommended fortification standards of Punjab Food Authority i.e. ≥15 mg/kg. Micronutrient fortified wheat flour provision to vulnerable populations through these FDNs is one of the best strategy to be adopted both by government as well as private sector to compliment the basic nutrition of vulnerable segments.


Muhammad Umair Arshad
Professor, Food Science, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Food Distribution Networks, Fortified wheat flour, QA/QC, Vulnerable Segments