Educating "Changemakers" for a More Sustainable Food System: Accelerating Sustainable Design and Entrepreneurship in Support of Sustainable Food Systems


We report on an interdisciplinary project that promotes integrative learning across existing programs in Sustainability Studies and Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the focus area of Sustainable Food Systems. The goal of this project is to foster innovation and design that will contribute to improving food security in areas of poverty and in extreme environments. This initiative includes an interdisciplinary course, The Future of Food, that is team-taught by two faculty members, one from each of the academic programs. This course provides students with the background and tools to identify and understand specific problems associated with our current food systems within the context of environmental protection and social impact; and integrates this knowledge base with other skills such as design thinking, environmental and social impact measurement, and life cycle assessment to help them begin to develop the entrepreneurial mindset required to develop innovative solutions to these problems. Based on their work in this class, a subset of students, are invited and given support to participate in a summer program on innovation and design for sustainable food systems called The Seedbox. Selected students are mentored as they engage in product development, customer discovery and validation, the lean startup, developing a business model and prototype. After the workshop students are further mentored as they develop and fund their own venture in the sustainable food systems ecosystem. We report on an assessment of our program that reveals opportunities, successes and challenges regarding the implementation of this program.


Richard Niesenbaum
Professor and Director of Sustainability Studies, Biology and Sustainability Studies, Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, United States

Rita Chesterton
Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship/ Associate Professor, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Food Systems, Design Thinking, Education