Eat Like an Abuela: Traditional Northern Mexican Diet


The goal of my research thesis is to investigate and document traditional Northern Mexican diet through food-centered life histories with the purpose of promoting traditional Northern Mexican diet and food practices encouraging people to embrace and reconnect with their cultural heritage. The objective of my research is to make claims and provide evidence as to why Mexicans and Mexican Americans should push back against acculturation and make efforts to reconnect with their culture through the closest link we have to our ancestors, namely through our abuelas, who hold the greatest knowledge to our traditional practices and diet, as the elders of our community. Hispanic/Latinos experience health disparities of chronic diet-related diseases at disproportionate rates in the US. There is a need to address and recognize the root of these health issues and ways to approach them. One of those ways is by reconnecting with the traditional diet of this region that healthy, sustainable, culturally appropriate, and place-based.


Amanda Palacios
Graduate Student, Anthropology, Public Health, New Mexico State University, NM, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Place-based, Acculturation, Post-colonization, Borderland, Chihuahua, Abuelas, SDOH