Get Your Head in the Game: Understanding Generation Alpha’s Food Literacy


For any industry to survive, constant awareness about its latest target market is essential. Recent studies have shown that Generation Alpha (those born since 2010) is just that. It is said that this generation presents a purchasing power beyond their age, but this might be short-lived due to food environments that promote convenience-driven lifestyles that carry the risk of the triple burden of malnutrition. Literature indicates that this problem is further exacerbated by poor food literacy. Possessing good food literacy is an essential step in fostering healthier behaviours to navigate the food environment and allow for opportunities for an ultimately sustainable future. This study initially set out to present food literacy amongst SA consumers but pivoted towards focusing on generation alpha to identify possible areas of concern amongst this significant consumer group. To accomplish this, it was realised that conventional research methodologies such as standardised surveys might not be successful; hence a non-traditional research methodology in the form of gamification was proposed. Gamification adds game mechanics into nongame environments like websites, online communities, or learning management systems. In this instance, the goal of gamification was to engage generation alpha in a reliable and relatable way to increase participation and enjoyment of the overall survey experience. Initial results from the piloting of the measuring instrument revealed that most alphas presented a positive engagement with the instrument, and data after collection indicated that the sample lacked the needed food literacy that would foster a healthy future.


Nadine Du Piesanie
Assistant Lecturer, Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Adeline Pretorius
Lecturer, Department of Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Nadene Marx Pienaar
Lecturer, Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Food literacy, Gamification, Consumer trends, Nutritional behaviour, Generation alpha