Creativity and Resilience in Times of Scarcity: An Interactive Workshop Using Creative Practices to Empower in the Face of Climate Scarcity


Often it is when people have the least, that they are able to create the most. In the face of global climate change, scarcity is a phenomenon more and more people are faced with. Just like our ancestors, whose experiences of scarcity resulted in great innovations and traditions, this workshop aims to build connections and creativity in the face of an increasing food crisis. With a strong local, cross-cultural focus and integrating climate-resilient concepts and tools, this workshop will mediate discussion and creative activities that support resilience and empowerment despite increasing disparities. In this interactive space, we will explore both personal heritage stories, craft and research interests to work towards creating foundational goals toward resilience in the face of the changing climate.


Olivia A Carye Hallstein
Student, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning , Tufts University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Food Production and Sustainability


Creativity, Development, Resilience, Sustainability, Practice, Local, Innovations, Goals, Craft, Interactive