Food for Thought: Considering the South African Food Future

A Panel Discussion

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Food for thought - considering the South African Food Future 

It is estimated the world’s population would reach 9.7 billion by 2050. In oder to produce adequate and healthy food for that number of people, while preserving the agro-ecosystems, would take concerted effort from everyone in the world. Food demands are primarly driven by population growth – however, income growth is also important. Many food demand projections vary by socioeconomic assumptions (GDP and population growth), but also across crop productivity as well as climate change.


Hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity are not new concerns, particularly when living in a country such as South Africa. Neither are the threats combating our food landscape such as climate change, conflict, more recently Covid19, and others.


Unfortunately to date no silver bullet could be found to address these issues. The situation is furthermore exacerbated by the complexity of the current food system coupled with our complex and diverse demographic and cultural make up. 


However, in terms of South Africa’s constitution, every citizen has the right to adequate food.


The future however at this point in time looks bleak if business continues as usual. 


To curb this and ensure a better future for all, a crucial conversation is needed. This conversation should result in political courage, private sector initiatives and strong advocacy and support from civil society.


What does our food future therefore look like?


Speficic discussion topics:


Dr Nadene Marx-Pienaar: Searching for sustainable solutions by encouraging a consumer mind shift towards “waste not want not”

Dr Hennie Fisher & Prof Gerrie du Rand: South Africa’s past and it’s food culture to inform the future through culinary innovation

Ms Nadine du Piesanie: Understanding the food literacy of current and future consumers

Dr Adeline Pretorius & Ms Rochelle van Veijeren: Integrating food and nutrition systems to address hidden hunger in South Africa

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