Alternative Food Practices for Climate Futures: Listening to the Voices of Young Adults in Western Canada


For decades, climate scientists and activists have warned us of the ever-growing threat of global warming and the urgent need for climate commitments from elected representatives. In response to the constant exposure to environmental catastrophes, experiences of distress and concern for the environment are rising, particularly among young adults. Meanwhile, industrial agricultural systems are increasingly understood as contributing to environmental degradation, inciting many to explore alternative food systems for their potential to secure the food supply while contributing to ecological health. My research is situated at the intersection of food and concern for the environment, where I explore why and how alternative food practices are adopted by young adults, and how these practices interact with their climate distress. I conducted interviews with 20 young adults in urban centers in Western Canada who have an alternative food practice (e.g. gardening, canning, foraging, dumpster diving, participating in local food organizations, etc.) that is influenced by their concern for the environment. I found that for participants, the food domain constitutes an accessible and desirable area of climate action. The ability to contribute to better futures through alternative food practices, paired with a conscientious framing of their individual agency, allows participants to lessen their climate distress and sustain their alternative food practices. Additional findings include the detailed motivations for undertaking these practices, the enablers and barriers experienced in doing so, and details on young adults’ experiences as individuals concerned for planetary health.


Laurence Ammann Lanthier
Student, Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Alternative food practices, Climate Distress, Eco-responsibility