Pharaonic Egyptian Food: Food with the Pharaoh's Taste


This paper considers how food played an important role in life of ancient Egyptian. It has a place as an offering in burial feasts and in the cemetery. As for the food that the ancient Egyptian took with him to other world, the inscriptions depicted it in the form of pieces of beef and grains. Meat from bulls and cows were among the most sources of meat, and all kinds of birds were also constantly present on their tables, and although fish is one of the most beneficial foods for the body, the ancient Egyptians avoided eating them in some areas, believing that they are forbidden, given that they are associated with some gods. Evil is an example of the god “Set”, the god of evil, who was symbolized by one of the types of fish, but tilapia and white fish were acceptable to some, and mullet fish were preserved and salted and used in their trade as an export to other countries on their commercial trips. The fruits were many and varied among the ancient Egyptians, such as watermelons, melons, figs, sycamores, grapes, pomegranates, and plums. It was also known that the ancient Egyptian used oil extensively after he reached to extract it from sesame and castor, and he also knew dried fruits and succeeded in drying grapes into raisins, dates and figs. Many murals inscriptions and some ancient hieroglyphic texts have proven that the ancient Egyptian ate three meals a day .


Zaghloul Saad Abdel Rady Hassanein
Curator, Ministry of Tourism and Monuments, Al Qahirah, Egypt


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures