Women, Wine, and the Phenomenology of Insight: The Fortuitous Shaping of Career Choices among Women in the Wine Industry


If the old adage by Louis Pasteur holds true – that chance favors the prepared mind – we believe understanding patterns evident in the report of these experiences may help those in various fields create opportunities that might facilitate other women and underrepresented minorities to discover authentic but unrealized or unexplored interests, values, and abilities. In this paper, we explore the phenomenon of sudden insight – commonly known as the ‘aha’ experience – for women who entered and continue to work in the wine industry. Using qualitative analysis of semistructured interviews conducted using a snowball sample of women in the American and international wine industry, we identify the major emerging themes that survey participants provided, explore the nature or each of those themes in detail, and discuss potential implications these findings might have for increasing the presence of women and other underrepresented groups within and beyond the wine industry.


Stephen Inrig
Director of Interdisciplinary Health Research; Professor of Political Science and History, Political Science and History, Mount Saint Mary's University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Imagining the Edible: Food, Creativity, and the Arts


Wine, Women, Aha experience, Beauty, Unrealized interests, Gestalt experience