Food Studies Certificate : A Liberal Arts Perspective


The Dickinson College approach to Food Studies stands to contribute substantially to the development of engaged citizens who are well-equipped to participate thoughtfully and productively in the full range of endeavors that any liberal arts graduate might consider. The Food Studies certificate exemplifies a useful education, one that affects every member of the community on a daily basis by combining courses across the curriculum, providing hands-on experiential learning opportunities, interacting with community partners, integrating the Dickinson College Farm into student learning. Given the wide-ranging problems and possibilities that Food Studies offers, students will find emphasis placed on critical thinking skills in all their courses. Because these courses will range across the curriculum, they will be able to present food questions and issues as multi-faceted and complex. Students that complete the Food Studies certificate will: demonstrate knowledge of change and continuity in food systems and food culture, critically analyze food systems and food culture from multiple disciplines and diverse perspectives across time and place, articulate the challenges the world is facing and will encounter in the future with respect to food, and make connections between practical experience and intellectual inquiry.


Luca Trazzi
Senior Lecturer, Italian Department and Food Studies Certificate Program, Dickinson College, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Food Studies, Certificate, Farm, Higher Education, Liberal Arts, Sustainability, Pedagogy