Plant-based Proteins for an Ever-growing Consumer Demand and Hydroponic Propagation of Selected Legumes


Full of Beans Kitchen, LLC (FOB) was founded in August 2021. FOB is a startup company that creates plant-based products. Consumers seeking high-quality plant-based proteins find these sources primarily in beans and pulses. Food and Sustainability principles are a cornerstone of this initiative. FOB aims to simplify the access and consumption of beans and other legumes and elevate their benefits through whole and natural products while offering healthy and environmentally conscious food options to improve the health of consumers and contribute to the wellness of the planet. Animal-based sources are avoided, as well as plastic packing. Currently, we are working on understanding the operations of the food system, the chain supply involved in the creation of a product and testing new legumes to increase the diversity of plant-based food products of FBO. In addition, we are exploring the possibility of growing three species of legumes (Canavalia ensiformis, Mucuna pruriens, and Vicia fava) under hydroponic conditions. Hydroponic systems are alternatives well suited to urban settings and have the potential of supplying products at a low cost, in a shorter period, and of reducing food miles. This measure has the potential of generating substantial data about the application of hydroponic technology to grow resources for plant-based diets in urban settings, validating the mission of FOB that the consumption of beans provides healthy alternatives for environmentally conscientious consumers.


Narell Vasquez
Student, AS Food Studies , Hostos Community College, New York, United States

Flor Henderson
Professor, Natural Sciences Department - Food Studies Program, Hostos Community College, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Beans, Entrepreneurship, Food, Hydroponics, Legumes, Plant-based diet, Probiotics, Protein, Pulses