The Policy of Indian Government Regarding Public Distribution System during COVID-19


The global novel coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic slowdown have led to rising concerns of food insecurity across the world. The potential of any system is known only when it passes through a crisis. This paper discusses the situation of food security and Public Distribution System (PDS) in India during lockdowns at the times of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The economic slowdown, loss of employment and unorganized migration have resulted in widespread food insecurity. The sudden decision to impose the first lockdown on 24 March, the migrant crisis was immediately visible with thousands of migrants walking on the highways trying to get back to their homes. The big cities, which are known as economic hubs, could not provide food to the people even for a month. As compared to cities, villages provided shelter and food to the migrants, and the tradition of keeping granary stock in villages in India saved millions of lives. The social sensitivity that was visible from the villages was not seen in the so-called developed and educated cities. The government has made some interventions through schemes towards providing food and cash support to people, there are many gaps. In this context we analyse the government schemes and policies which are implemented during this crisis. This paper mainly focuses on the Central Government’s response to the PDS in India’s food security during the lockdown.


Sarveshwar Pandey
Student, Ph.D, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Crisis, PDS, Covid-19, Lockdowns, Food security, Migration