Sustainable Food Technologies of Multiple Dimensions : A Holistic Approach


Unsustainable ways of agriculture and food production have been criticised as a main contributor to climate change and environmental degradation, whilst the growing world population demands greater supplies from the food system. Technological innovations have been sought after as the solution to environmental crisis by offering more sustainable production methods which could optimise production value with minimal inputs from the environment. This study explores how consumers interpret novel technologies from the perspective of sustainability using Controlled Environment Agriculture, Genetic Editing, and Automation and Precision Agriculture as examples. Findings from 48 focus groups across New Zealand and Australian consumers indicate widespread concerns with various sustainability issues across the food system, and sustainability has become increasingly important to many participants’ decision-making on food and their acceptance of new technologies. The potential environmental and economic benefits of new technologies are well received by participants, including the optimised yield and productivity, efficient use of land and water, minimal use of pesticides and spraying, etc. However, concerns are raised around the unbalanced interest across different social/cultural groups, and potential loss of knowledge and cultural inheritance as a result of the adoption of new technologies. Whilst the environmental and economic aspects have been intensively addressed, findings of this research suggest a lack of attention to the social and cultural aspects of sustainability associated with new technologies. A holistic approach encompassing environmental, economic, social, and cultural aspects is needed for new technologies to address sustainability issues and gain social and cultural licences to operate in the society.


Ivy (Caixia) Gan
Scientist, Stakeholder & Consumer Intelligence, Plant and Food Research, New Zealand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Holistic Sustainability, New Technologies, Social and Cultural Licences, Consumer Acceptance