Calculating the Economic Impacts of Food Gentrification on Communities of Color in Portland


While there is much research about the extreme gentrification currently occurring in most major cities around the United States, the economic impacts of food gentrification remain unstudied. This thesis creates a comprehensive definition of food gentrification in relation to Portland’s rapidly changing neighborhoods. It explores the cultural and economic impacts of food gentrification in Portland using literature review, data collection, and data analysis. This data shows the quantitative impacts of gentrification in the food industry using statistical modeling and how it contributes to the displacement of communities of color in Portland. This study proves that food gentrification plays two roles: profiting from cultural appropriation and accelerating or triggering the gentrification of neighborhoods.


Karishma Shah
Student, Juris Doctor, University of Chicago, Oregon, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Gentrification, Race, Racism, Culture, Restaurants, Data, Big Data, Empirical