The National School Food Program Revisited


The aim of this work is to unveil the importance of the Brazilian National School Food Program towards solving the problems of hunger, malnutrition, food sovereignty, food (and regional) culture, as well as to assert to the new challenges imposed by covid-19 and the recent attempts to change this policy regulation. The objective is to show how the changes provided by the law 11.947/2009 are both in accordance with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and to the UN Sustainable Development Goals numbers 1,2,3. One should highlight the importance of democratic participation on food policy for schools and the obligation for the state (municipal, regional or federal level) to purchase food from family agriculture. One’s interdisciplinary field is education, law, citizenship, public policies. In order to analyze this major public policy it was used legislative interpretation as well as official data on resources destined to the program. Another method was the revision of the literature regarding this policy in order to perceive its effectiveness. The results shows democratic governance decreasing during the last few years and for the past two years, while the crises of covid-19 last, the federal government gave a slow response to the crises, what generated uncertainty both for the states and municipalities and put at risk the continuity of this program, the food security of many school age population, as well as the producers. Therefore, this program should be seen as a world example of success and must be preserved in national grounds.


Marcelo Brandão Ceccarelli
Student, Masters, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Food, Politics, and Cultures