How to Eat in a Pandemic: The German Media Coverage of the Covid-19-Crisis and Food


The COVID-19 pandemic has widely been discussed as a global crisis that impacts daily life worldwide, including food security, global supply chains, consumer behaviour and nutrition. As the pandemic proceeded in 2020 and 2021, already existing problems of the food system became part of the political agenda and gained public visibility. In Germany, this topic was broadly taken up by local and national newspapers and questions of global food supply chains, expected food shortages and international food security were raised, as well as questions on how the pandemic would and did change consumers food choices and eating habits. This paper analyses the media coverage of Corona and its impact on food and nutrition in German newspapers. Initially it gives a general overview which food related topics were addressed during the two lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently it analyses how the pandemic affected pre-existing intersectional inequalities and blind spots in food production and consumption.


Carolin Küppers
Professor Gender and Social Work, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Institute for Gender Studies, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


COVID-19, Pandemic, Food production, Food consumption, Discourse analysis