The Missing Links to Prevention of Future Osteoporosis: Starting With the Young Designing Lifelong Strategies to Improve Bone Health


The purpose of this research to investigate females 18-25 perception, knowledge, beliefs, barriers and strategies to preventing Osteoporosis. A two phase study. Phase one a survey was used to gather demographic data, past and current behaviors, the completion of the Osteoporosis Health Behavior Scale (OHBS), and Short Calcium Intake List (SCaIL). Survey responses were 449. The second phase, four focus groups (n=23) questions discussed pertaining the the study aims. Analysis of results showed 90% of survey participants did not ingest the RDA of 1000 mg of calcium daily. Those that drank milk growing up and ate four or more family meals weekly were more likely to consume the RDA of calcium. Those consuming tow or more glasses of milk per days as a young adult were more likely to meet calcium RDA. Participants that were more health motivated saw fewer barriers to exercise and calcium intake. A positive relationship between if participants believed they were more susceptible to and viewed osteoporosis as serious they were more likely to believe there were more barriers to helping themselves. The results suggest a need for hands-on nutrition education teaching methods, a national marketing/social media platform pertaining to dietary daily calcium consumption, vitamin D, physical activity as it relates to bone health/osteoporosis prevention. As the future parents of the next generation, consumption of childhood family meals and milk/dairy equate to healthier aging outcomes.


Karen From
Assistant Professor, Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics, School of Health Science and Wellness, Northwest Missouri State University, Missouri, United States

Alice Foose
Northwest Missouri State University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Osteoporosis, Strategies, Barriers, Calcium, Young Adult, Education, Family Meals, Milk