Mondrian’s Neo-plasticism, Troisgros’ Nouvelle Cuisine, and the Shifting Spirit of Modernism


This research project stems in part from Jules Prown’s description of meals and food as diversions in mapping out the various facets of the study of material culture. Following Prown’s logic, food, as a cultural product, is worthy of scholarly inquiry and analysis. There is no singular academic discipline fully equipped to dissect food as a cultural product; therefore, multidisciplinary modes of thinking are required. What follows is precisely that, an experimental and interdisciplinary approach to the history of art, gastronomy, and modernist studies. I hope to demonstrate that the application of art-historical methodologies to objects typically considered outside the realm of visual culture to be a fruitful and worthwhile endeavor. By analyzing artist manifestos in tandem with recipes and chefs’ statements, and conducting visual analysis of paintings alongside composed dishes, I believe new forms of innovative scholarship can be generated. The production of new forms of knowledge can shed fresh light on artistic traditions that are not usually considered together.


Anthony Huffman
Curator-in-Residence, Kunstraum LLC, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Nouvelle Cuisine, Modernist Studies, Food History, Troisgros Brothers, Piet Mondrian